Reviewing Additional Year-Specific Entities After Finalizing New Year Setup
To update your additional year-specific entities, complete the steps below:
Review your packaging formulas associated with the new award year for any custom processes that are year-specific. For any year-specific custom processes, complete the following steps:
Tip: Custom processes can be found at both the formula level and fund (min/max) level, as well as in the fund group settings.
In addition to custom processes used in packaging formulas that were reviewed in the previous step, any other custom processes associated with custom process targets contain award year-specific data will need to be reviewed as well. For any year-specific custom processes and custom process targets, complete the following steps:
Let’s say you have a custom process that calculates the tuition per credit hour, but your institution's tuition rates change from year to year.
For each fund with a year-specific requirement associated, add a new row to the Requirements section and select an updated requirement for the new year.