Selection Sets

Selection sets are a key tool that you will use throughout the PowerFAIDS system. They allow you to create queries to identify groups of students that meet the conditions you specify using any data point in the student record, and then save those queries for future use and reuse in other areas of the system such as packaging formulas, cost of attendance categories, requirements, and more.

For example, you might create a selection set to identify students that are required to complete the federal verification process but have not yet completed verification. Then, you could associate that selection set with the requirements needed to complete verification so those requirements are automatically added to the student record if that student meets the conditions of the selection set.

The more rules you add, the more complex searches you can create. You can also group rules for further precision.

Once created, selection sets can be viewed and edited in System Administration > Tools > Selection Sets. Additionally, selection sets are available for use in searches from the top navigation bar when you begin typing the name of your selection set in the search bar, or select it from the list:

Selection Sets list in the application header

For more information on the different ways you can perform student searches in PowerFAIDS, see Searching for Student Records.