New Year Setup

New Year Setup is a powerful tool that allows you to update and copy award year-specific entities in preparation for an upcoming award year. New Year Setup lists out your tasks and guides you through the steps to make your transition easy.

Tip: If you want to restrict who has access to New Year Setup to control which members of your staff have access to view and update the tasks, you are able to adjust your settings in Security Groups.

New Year Setup allows you to:

  • Draft changes without impacting production data until you’re ready: Once you begin New Year Setup, any changes you make to new entities you create are considered in draft state until you finalize your task list, meaning they won’t show up elsewhere in the system until you're ready. This allows you the time you need to navigate through each task to review your award year specific items from the current award year to make any necessary changes as you transition into the future award year.

  • Navigate through each task seamlessly: Each task you need to complete is listed on the dashboard. You'll find that upon opening a task, your steps are intuitive as you're guided through each entity you need to review to copy and/or update for the next award year.

  • Tip: Both the Selection Sets and Fund Activity tasks are prerequisites for several other tasks, so prioritize completing these two to access many of the other tasks listed.

  • Continue updates even if there is an error: If you happen to have an error within one task before finalizing your setup, it will not impact the other tasks you've completed from finalizing. You still can proceed forward with the other tasks that were successful. If you have a task that shows failures, you can review your results report to see what specifically failed to retry copying and updating the entities. However, once you have experienced five failures, you'll need to manually create or edit the failed task in the new award year after New Year Setup has been finalized.

Navigating the New Year Setup Dashboard

After starting New Year Setup in System Administration, you'll be able to view the dashboard.

New Year Setup Dashboard page

The New Year Setup dashboard provides you with an at-a-glance progress report on where you are at throughout the entire process. As you select Start the Process (1), your links transition to Continue Task for all tasks that are started but not complete. As you update the tasks you can see your progress shift (2) to the number you've reviewed.

You'll notice some tasks have active links while others do not. This is because some tasks are prerequisites for others. You can review which tasks have prerequisites by selecting the help-text help-text icon icon (3) next to the task you want to learn more about.

Once you complete a task, you can review the results report (4). These results reports are not available until the task has been completed.

After completing each task, you can select Finalize New Year Setup (5) in the top right corner. After finalizing the tasks, you need to complete the Review New Year Setup Logs and Data Integration Tokens and Review Custom Process Targets tasks.

Tip: Do not select Finalize New Year Setup in the dashboard until you have reviewed all the tasks in the list. This will complete the New Year Setup process and will result in errors and old entities being transferred to the new year that might no longer be relevant or up to date based on changes at your institution.

Completing New Year Setup Tasks

Once you've started the new award year, the New Year Setup dashboard populates with a list of tasks to complete for that year. These tasks include:

Finalizing New Year Setup

When you're ready to finalize your tasks and begin your new award year in PowerFAIDS you will: