Resolving COD Errors & Rejects


The Results Report shows any messages related to the export of an award in the COD origination, update, and disbursement processes. Award level messages are in the top row for each student, and disbursement specific messages are available by selecting the Expand icon (+) to the left of the row.

Review Option 1: In PowerFAIDS

  1. Open two PowerFAIDS sessions in different windows using the same browser.
  2. In one of the browser windows, navigate to Import/Export > Federal Award Processing (COD) > Export.
  3. In the Results Reports table, find the row for the process you want to review results for and select View Report in the Report column.
  4. In the report, select the arrows in the header of the Details column once to bring any records with messages to the top and keep those with the same message together.

    Note: If there is a message associated with a disbursement, you will see that indicated at the award level and then you can select the Expand icon (+) to the left of the row to see the distribution details.

  5. In the other browser window, search for a student from the Results Report.
  6. Navigate to the appropriate section of their record and make the necessary update.

    Note: If needed, review the Eligibility Requirements and Disbursement Rules help articles for additional details. For example, if the message states that a particular field is required, the Eligibility Requirements article will give the location of that field in the student record.

  7. Repeat search and update process for all students with a message on the report.
  8. Run the export process again.

Review Option 2: Download to Excel

  1. Navigate to Import/Export > Federal Award Processing (COD) > Export.
  2. In the Results Reports table, find the row for the process you want to review results for and select View Report in the Report column.
  3. Select Export/Download in the upper right corner and follow any prompts to include the whole data set. For more information, see Working with Tables in PowerFAIDS.
  4. Navigate on your computer to the default download location and open the downloaded file. Format or print the file as needed for ease of review.
  5. In PowerFAIDS, search for a student from the Results Report.
  6. Navigate to the appropriate section of their record and make the necessary update.

    Note: If needed, review the Eligibility Requirements and Disbursement Rules help articles for additional details. For example, if the message states that a particular field is required, the Eligibility Requirements article will give the location of that field in the student record.

  7. Repeat search and update process for all students with a message on the report.
  8. Run the export process again.

Caution: With this option, you will not have the disbursement information, so if there is a message stating there’s something to review at the disbursement level, you will need to return to the Results Report and select the Expand icon (+) to the left of the row to see the distribution details.


The Results Report will provide any messages related to any errors or rejects from COD files imported into PowerFAIDS. Award level messages are in the top row for each student, and disbursement specific messages are available by selecting the Expand icon (+) to the left of the row.

When COD response files are imported and if there are any rejects or errors, the Rejects & Errors Report is also generated. This report contains all disbursements where there is an issue at the award or disbursement level.

COD Import Results Report list with the report links highlighted

If the message you see says that there was an interruption during the processing, navigate back to the COD Import Dashboard, search for the record, and post it again.

Review Option 1: In PowerFAIDS

  1. Open two PowerFAIDS sessions in different windows using the same browser.
  2. In one of the browser windows, navigate to Import/Export > Federal Award Processing (COD) > Import.
  3. In the Results Reports table, find the row for the process you want to review results for and select View Report or Rejects & Errors in the Report column.
  4. In the report, select the arrows in the header of the Details or Messages column (depending on the report you're viewing) once to bring any records with messages to the top and keep those with the same message together.

    Note: If there is a message associated with a disbursement, you will see that indicated at the award level and then you can select the Expand icon (+) to the left of the row to see the distribution details.

  5. In the other browser window, search for a student from the Results Report.
  6. Based on the award type, navigate to the appropriate page (Federal Loans, Federal Pell Grant, or Federal TEACH Grant) to review the award and to review the error code and message from COD, and then make any necessary updates to the award or student record.
  7. Repeat search and update process for all students with a message on the report.
  8. Run the export process again.

Review Option 2: Download to Excel

  1. Navigate to Import/Export > Federal Award Processing (COD) > Export.
  2. In the Results Reports table, find the row for the process you want to review results for and select View Report or Rejects and Errors in the Report column.
  3. Select Export/Download in the upper right corner and follow any prompts to include the whole data set. For more information, see Working with Tables in PowerFAIDS.
  4. Navigate on your computer to the default download location and open the downloaded file. Format or print the file as needed for ease of review.
  5. In PowerFAIDS, search for a student from the Results Report.
  6. Based on the award type, navigate to the appropriate page (Federal Loans, Federal Pell Grant, or Federal TEACH Grant) to review the award and to review the error code and message from COD, and then make any necessary updates to the award or student record.
  7. Repeat the review and update process for all students with a message on the report.
  8. Run the export process again.

Caution: With this option, you will not have the disbursement information, so if there is a message stating there’s something to review at the disbursement level, you will need to return to the Results Report and select the Expand icon (+) to the left of the row to see the distribution details.

Review Option 3: Advanced Search

  1. Select the Advanced Search button and create a search for records where CODAward.OriginationStatus is equal to Rejected OR CODDisbursement.DisbursementStatus is equal to Rejected.

    Advanced Search window containing a query looking for rejected originations and disbursements

  2. Select Return Results.
  3. Use the Federal Loans, Federal Pell Grant, and Federal TEACH Grant screens to determine which award or disbursement is rejected and to review the error code and message from COD.
  4. Make any necessary updates to the award or student record.
  5. Repeat search and update process for all students returned by the search.
  6. Run the export process again.

Note: You can also run these searches separately or save them as selection sets.


Process Interrupted

If the message on a record says there was a process interruption during the import, navigate back to the COD Import Dashboard, search for the record, and post it again.

COD Document Rejects

If the entire file was rejected by COD, the row for the process in the COD Import Results Report table will have a value of Not Imported in the Results column and the Messages column will detail what error code was received. The COD Technical Reference can provide more information on specific error codes.

Pending COD Response

If you receive a message that an award or distribution is pending a response from COD, it means a file was generated from PowerFAIDS, but a response from COD has not yet been imported into PowerFAIDS for that file.

You can run an Advanced Search or create a Selection Set that looks for students with Origination Status or Disbursement Status equal to Pending. Then use the timeline on the student record to assist in figuring out which COD export file included the award so you can research batches on COD to see what happened with the response file. The other option is to update the award in COD online and then import the Web-Response file when received.

Best Practices

  • Run any export process in simulation mode before running in real mode. This gives you a chance to resolve any issues before creating the file and updating student records, which occurs when the process is run in real mode.

  • Review the Results Report and, if applicable, the Errors & Rejects Report for any export or import process, regardless of whether it was run in simulation or real mode. Resolve any issues found before running the process again.