COD Export Eligibility Requirements

PowerFAIDS has built-in eligibility checks that run in the background as part of the COD Export process depending on the type of process being run (origination, update, or disbursement). These checks prevent aid that should not be originated, updated, and/or disbursed from being sent to COD. If a record can’t be exported due to failing one of these checks, a message is displayed in the results report. Unless otherwise specified, the rule applies to all Federal Funds processed through COD Export.

In addition, there are rules that can be applied to none, one, many, or all funds depending on your institution’s policies and needs. For more information on rules that can be customized by your institution, see Disbursement Rules.


Check Performed


Message if Fails

Award Exists Student has at least one of the included awards specified.

Student does not have any eligible awards.

Award is not Originated

The Origination Status of the award is Rejected or Not Originated.

Award has already been originated.

ISIR Exists

The ISIR Transaction Number for the associated award year is greater than zero.

A <award year> ISIR has not been posted for this student.

Payment Period is Active

The Award Amount is greater than zero in at least one active Payment Period associated with the selected Award Year.

There are no active payment periods with disbursement amounts greater than 0 for this award.

Can Report Estimated Award (Origination)

The Estimated field of the award is No,


The Estimated field of the award is Yes and the Report Estimated to COD field on the fund associated with the award is not “Do not report”.

Award is flagged as estimated and the associated fund has been set not to export estimated awards.

Student is Federally Eligible for Academic Year

The Eligible to Receive Federal Aid field on the academic year associated with the award is Yes.

Federal funds cannot be disbursed to a student who has been flagged as ineligible to receive federal aid for this academic year.

Program is Federally Eligible

The Title IV Eligible field on the Program associated with the award is Yes.

Federal funds cannot be disbursed to a student under a program that is not Title IV eligible.

Award can be Disbursed

The Disbursable field on the fund associated with the award is Yes.

The fund associated with this distribution has been flagged as ineligible for disbursement.

Award is Accepted or Pending

The Status field of the award is Accepted or Pending.

Award associated with this distribution is not in an accepted or pending status.

Borrower has Eligible Citizenship Status

Applies to Parent and Graduate PLUS Loans.

The Citizenship Status of the Borrower is Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen.

Borrower's citizenship status is not eligible for the loan to be originated.

Required Fields

To be included in an origination file, an award must also have the following fields populated. If a field is not populated, the message returned in the results report will say the field is required.


Student Record Location

Applies to

Ability to Benefit Code Academic Profile > Academic Record


Payment Period Actual Start Date

Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Payment Period Actual End Date

Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Academic Year Actual Start Date

Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Academic Year Actual End Date

Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


TEACH Grant CIP Code

Academic Profile > Program

TEACH Grants

First Name

ISIR > Student Data


Last Name

ISIR > Student Data


Date of Birth

ISIR > Student Data


Grade Level

ISIR > Student Data



Note: The update process is also run as part of the Disbursement Export process.

Check Performed


Message if Fails

Award Has Been Originated The Origination Status of the award is Accepted or Corrected.

Award has not yet been originated.

Pending Disbursement Response

The Disbursement Status for all distributions is not Pending.

Award has at least one disbursement pending a COD Response.

Can Report Estimated Award (Update)

The Estimated field of the award is No,


The Estimated field of the award is Yes and the Report Estimated to COD field on the fund associated with the award is not “Do not report” or “Report originations only”.

Award is flagged as estimated and the associated fund has been set not to export estimated awards.

Required Fields

To be included in an update file, an award must also have the following fields populated. If a field is not populated, the message returned in the results report will say the field is required.

If there is an update to one or more of these fields, the award will be included in the file generated by the export (if run in real mode) and will display the message, “Student included in export,” in the details column of the results report.

If there is not an update to one or more of these fields, the award will not be included in the file generated by the export (if run in real mode) and will display the message, “No updated data found; student not included in export,” in the details column of the results report.


Student Record Location

Applies to

Weeks in Year System Administration > Campus Information > Academic Years


Scheduled Disbursement Date (if Actual Disbursement Date does not exist)

System Administration > Campus Information > Payment Periods


Degree/Credential Level

System Administration > Campus Information > Programs


Published Length

System Administration > Campus Information > Programs


Special Type

System Administration > Campus Information > Programs


CIP Code

System Administration > Campus Information > Programs


Enrollment School Code

System Administration > Campus Information > School Profile


Report as Additional Unsubsidized

System Administration > Packaging > Funds

Unsubsidized Loans

Ability to Benefit Code

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Record


Academic Year Actual Start Date

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Academic Year Actual End Date

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Payment Period Actual Start Date

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Payment Period Actual End Date

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Enrollment Status

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Teacher Expert

Student > Academic Profile > Programs


Grade Level

Student > ISIR > Student Data

TEACH Grant and Loans

NSLDS Match Flag (value of “Default” or “Default and overpayment”

Student > ISIR > C Flags


Incarcerated Applicant Indicator

Student > ISIR > Calculated Data

Pell Grant

Actual Disbursement Date

Student > Packaging > Aid Package


Award Created Date

Student > Packaging > Aid Package


Award Amount

Student > Packaging > Aid Package


Distribution Amount

Student > Packaging > Aid Package


In Default Status

Student > Packaging > Borrowers & PLUS Applications

Parent and Graduate PLUS Loans


Check Performed


Message if Fails

Student is Federally Eligible for Academic Year The Eligible to Receive Federal Aid field on the academic year associated with the award is Yes.

Federal funds cannot be disbursed to a student who has been flagged as ineligible to receive federal aid for this academic year.

Award ID Exists

The Award ID field is not blank.

Award ID is required.

ISIR Update is not Required

The ISIR Update Required field is No for the associated award year.

Federal funds cannot be disbursed to a student whose ISIR requires an update.

Award Exists

Student has at least one of the included awards specified.

Student does not have any eligible awards.

Award can be Disbursed

The Disbursable field on the fund associated with the award is Yes.

The fund associated with this distribution has been flagged as ineligible for disbursement.

Award Has Been Originated

The Origination Status of the award is Accepted or Corrected.

Award has not yet been originated.

Credit Requirements Met

Applies to Parent and Graduate PLUS Loans.

The Credit Requirements Met field of the associated PLUS Application is Yes.

Federal PLUS loans cannot be disbursed until the associated credit requirement is met.

Linked MPN

Applies to Loans.

The Status Code of the associated MPN is Accepted or Pending.

Federal funds cannot be disbursed without a pending or accepted MPN.

Can Report Estimated Award (Disbursement)

The Estimated field of the distribution is No,


The Estimated field of the distribution is Yes and the Report Estimated to COD field on the fund associated with the award is “Report originations, updates, and disbursements.”

Distribution is flagged as estimated and the associated fund has been set not to disburse estimated awards.

Within As of Date


If the Actual Disbursement Date exists, then the specified As of Date is on or after the Actual Disbursement Date.

Award Disbursement Date is after the selected As of Date.


If the Actual Disbursement Date does not exist, then the specified As of Date is on or after the Scheduled Disbursement Date.

Payment Period is Active

At least one of the Payment Periods selected for disbursement that is assigned to the student record is active. This rule only applies for authorizing disbursements.

None of the payment periods selected are active for the student.

Disbursement Amount Greater than Zero

The distribution has not been disbursed previously and the Amount is greater than 0.

Disbursement amount is 0.

Disbursement Pending Response

The Disbursement Status field for all disbursements is not Pending.

Distribution has at least one disbursement pending a COD Response.

Disbursed at COD

The Disbursement Release Indicator field is No.

Tip: Any changes to disbursement amounts will still be processed.

Award has been disbursed through COD.

Verification Status is not Without Documentation

Applies to Pell Grants only.

The Verification Status field is not Without Documentation.

Federal Pell Grant has already been disbursed through COD and the student's verification status is not eligible to disburse again.

Program is Federally Eligible

The Title IV Eligible field on the Program associated with the award is Yes.

Federal funds cannot be disbursed to a student under a program that is not Title IV eligible.

Required Fields

To be included in a disbursement file, a disbursement must also have the following fields populated. If a field is not populated, the message returned in the results report will say the field is required.


Student Record Location

Applies to

Enrollment School Code System Administration > Campus Information > School Profile


Payment Period Actual Start Date

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Payment Period Actual End Date

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


Payment Period Enrollment Status

Student > Academic Profile > Academic Years & Payment Periods


CIP Code

Student > Academic Profile > Programs
