Student Information Import

Student Information Import is used to import student data from external sources to create and update student records.

Using the student information import process in PowerFAIDS allows you to:

  • Streamline uploading student data to the student record: Using the standardized file layout enables data from any system of origin to be formatted in a way it can be uploaded into PowerFAIDS. By not manually updating student records you ensure the data matches the system or origin and is quickly updated.

  • Set default posting options but still maintain granular control: While you can preconfigure your school's posting preferences by setting the global posting options for student information import, you can also adjust those options anytime you post a record. This saves time by defaulting to options that are commonly used, while allowing the option for customization in unique circumstances.

  • Complete a variety of updates using the same file: The standardized file layout gives you the option to add, create, and update data for multiple students in the same file, complete different updates for different students in the same file, or use separate files for different actions. Here are some examples of actions associated with student records that can be completed using the student information import: