PowerFAIDS Application Programming Interface (API)

Latest version: 0.0.1 [Draft]

In addition to the many file types that can be imported and exported out of PowerFAIDS to share data between systems, PowerFAIDS can also be directly integrated with other campus systems using the PowerFAIDS API.

The PowerFAIDS API uses a representational state transfer (REST) architecture that can create and update student records as well as extract data, through both individual and bulk calls. By specifying a list of entities in the initial request call, it is possible to limit the response data to include entity-specific information for each student that is requested.

Authentication is based on OAuth 2.0 standards and large-scale API calls will not be interrupted by a need to re-authenticate.

Review API Specifications

Managing API Users

You can manage the credentials authorized to interact with the PowerFAIDS API from System Administration > Security > API Users. From this page, you can:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)