PowerFAIDS Application Programming Interface (API)
Latest version: 0.0.1 [Draft]
In addition to the many file types that can be imported and exported out of PowerFAIDS to share data between systems, PowerFAIDS can also be directly integrated with other campus systems using the PowerFAIDS API.
The PowerFAIDS API uses a representational state transfer (REST) architecture that can create and update student records as well as extract data, through both individual and bulk calls. By specifying a list of entities in the initial request call, it is possible to limit the response data to include entity-specific information for each student that is requested.
Authentication is based on OAuth 2.0 standards and large-scale API calls will not be interrupted by a need to re-authenticate.
Managing API Users
You can manage the credentials authorized to interact with the PowerFAIDS API from System Administration > Security > API Users. From this page, you can:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What sort of authentication does the PowerFAIDS API use?

The PowerFAIDS API has been designed to use OAuth 2.0 standards that support the use of open source libraries to authenticate.
When would I use the PowerFAIDS API?

The PowerFAIDS API is designed to be used for a variety of purposes but excels at smaller, near real-time data updates.
Can I work with multiple student records at a time using the PowerFAIDS API?

Yes! The PowerFAIDS API is designed to support working with one or more student records at a time, so you can perform batch operations with a single call. This includes data retrieval as well as create and update flows.
Is the PowerFAIDS API capable of handling large-scale batch updates?

Yes! The PowerFAIDS API can handle large jobs without interruption, and even provides the ability to perform a high-level status check on these large jobs.
What data points are available within the PowerFAIDS API?

The PowerFAIDS API is modeled on the Student Information Import file layout to ensure consistency and parity between these two methods of data transfer. However, the API also allows read-only access to a variety of areas that are not included within the Student Information Import such as ISIR data, aid package data, and disbursement data.
Can I retrieve admin data via the PowerFAIDS API?

Yes! The PowerFAIDS API has access to admin entity definition data and even things like tokens, code lookups, and custom fields.
Does this new PowerFAIDS Cloud API have the same endpoints as the PowerFAIDS Desktop API?

No. The API for PowerFAIDS Cloud has fewer endpoints than the legacy PowerFAIDS Desktop API to increase efficiency and decrease implementation complexity. This also means that you can retrieve, create, or edit full student records from a single endpoint.
Do I have to work with the entire student record on every API call?

No! The PowerFAIDS API is designed in a way that allows you to configure the data sets that you want to work with and provides additional flexibility to meet your needs.