Batch Packaging

Batch packaging gives you the ability to perform automated packaging for groups of students at the same time, rather than executing the process on each individual student record. This allows you to create aid packages more quickly and efficiently for your student populations.

Jump to Workflow Instructions

Once you initiate the batch packaging process for a group of students, PowerFAIDS evaluates each student in the selection set for the associated academic year by the packaging order you specify. You can choose from the following options:

Packaging Order


By formula, then by SAI

This option packages students by order of packaging formula, then by ascending SAI (all students in formula 1, starting with lowest SAI and then working up to the highest; then all students in formula 2, starting with lowest SAI and then working up to highest; etc.).

By formula, then by need

This option packages student by order of packaging formula, then by descending need (all students in formula 1, starting with highest need and then working down to lowest; then all students in formula 2, starting with highest need and then working down to lowest, etc.).

By SAI only

This option packages students with the lowest SAI first then highest SAI last.

By need only

This option packages students with highest need first then lowest need last.

For each student in the selection set, PowerFAIDS performs the following steps to create each student's aid package:

  1. Selects the appropriate packaging formula: The system determines which packaging formula should be used for the student by first determining if they have a specific formula specified in the Packaging Formula Override field on the student's Aid Package, and then if not, checking if the student meets the criteria of the selection set associated with each packaging formula and then using appropriate sequencing.
  2. Determines the student's award eligibility: Then, the system compares the student's attributes and unmet need against the eligibility for each fund group and fund in the packaging formula and adds associated awards to the student aid package as appropriate.
  3. Produces a results report: The system produces a results report that tells you, student by student, the packaging formula used, which funds were awarded and the award amounts, and reasons why a student was or was not awarded during the process.
  4. Note: If Run in Simulation Mode is set to Yes, PowerFAIDS will go through the packaging process and produce a results report without committing the change to the student aid packages.

Advantages to Batch Packaging

Batch packaging makes many aspects of the financial aid packaging process easier. Some advantages to batch packaging include:

  • Efficiency of creating multiple aid packages at once: In just a few steps, you can create student aid packages for entire groups of students, saving you the time and effort of navigating to each individual student record to execute packaging.
  • Equity across student subpopulations: When you create student aid packages in batch, you can equitably distribute limited funds to students based on eligibility.
  • Ability to run packaging in simulation mode: By setting Run in Simulation Mode to Yes, you can run the packaging process and view a detailed results report without committing the change to student records. This allows you to test the effects of your institution's packaging formulas and helps you determine how many students will be packaged with how much money before committing the awards to students.

Before Batch Packaging

Before initiating batch packaging, it is helpful to first take the following steps:

  • Set up the components used by packaging in PowerFAIDS – Packaging is the culmination of the financial aid application process, so before initiating this process, setup must already be complete for most of the other features in PowerFAIDS. The product map shown below lists the features from top to bottom that need to be set up before initiating batch packaging:

  • Define your institution's packaging objectives – The packaging formulas and fund parameters set in System Administration translate your institutional policy into action, so setting them up requires an in-depth understanding of your institution's particular financial aid philosophy and practice. Determining things like how maximum award amounts are calculated and how students will be prioritized when there is a limited amount of aid will allow you to set up packaging parameters that best serve your institution's goals.
  • Add manual awards to the student record and shield – Some of your students may have known awards, such as third-party scholarships not controlled by your office, that you want to add manually to the student record. Be sure that manual awards are shielded, as seen in the image below.

    Awards section of the Aid Package page with a shielded award

    Caution: If an award is not shielded, it will be removed from the student record when you run batch packaging. If the award is shielded, PowerFAIDS Cloud will complete the rest of the package according to the parameters you set in the packaging formula. For more information on manually adding awards to a student record, see Manually Packaging a Student.

Once you have completed the required system components, defined your institution's packaging objectives, and added and shielded any manual awards needed to student records, you are ready to begin using batch packaging.

Packaging in Batch

To automatically create an aid package for multiple students at once, complete the following steps: