Batch Update Field Values

The Update Field Values page in Batch Processing gives you the ability to update a student record field value for multiple students at a time. You can update both academic year-specific such as the student's actual start date for that year, or non-year specific fields such as the student's state of residence. You can also update payment period and program-specific fields as well.

Update Field Values wizard

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Some advantages to batch updating field values include:

  • Efficiency of updating student record fields for multiple students at once: In just a few steps, you can update student record field values for entire groups of students, saving you the time and effort of updating the student record field on student records individually.
  • Ability to remove data in batch: If you want to remove a data point from a group of students' records, you can update the field value of the student record field you want to remove to a blank value.
  • Access to a detailed results report: Once the update field value process has completed, you can view a detailed results report showing you the outcome of the process, student-by-student, including reasons why the value was not updated on a student record.

Note: Not every field in the PowerFAIDS system is available to update in batch. The fields available in the Field Alias list on the Update Field Values page all meet the following conditions:

Updating a Field Value in Batch

To update a field value for multiple students, complete the following steps: