Batch Packaging Results Report

Once the batch packaging process has completed for the population of students, the Packaging Results Report window shows you, student by student, the packaging formulas used, which funds were awarded and the award amounts, and reasons why a student was not awarded during the process.

Batch Packaging results report window

Viewing a Results Report

Tip: You may see information populating on the results report before a process has fully completed. In order to view the completed report, wait to access the report until you receive the green notification message that the process has completed.

To view the results report once the packaging process has completed, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Results Reports at the top right of the Packaging page.

    Packaging page shown with the Results Reports button highlighted at the top right of the screen

  2. Select View Report from the rightmost column of the Packaging Results Reports table for the instance of the process you want to view.

    Results reports table is shown with the rightmost column containing the View Report links highlighted

    A window appears with detailed information on the packaging formulas used, which funds were awarded and the award amounts, and details on why each student was or was not awarded.

    Batch Packaging results report window

    Tip: There are many customization options available within tables in PowerFAIDS so you can use and organize the data to your liking. This includes rearranging the columns, searching the table, filtering the data, and exporting the table. For more information, see Working with Tables.