Private Loans

The Private Loans Import/Export feature in PowerFAIDS performs a variety of functions to track non-Federal student and parent loan data from a variety of service providers.

Using PowerFAIDS to manage private loan information provides:

  • Ability to batch send and reconcile data: Using PowerFAIDS, you can streamline awarding private loans by using batch to export send files rather than going through each service provider's page individually.
  • Ability to set and manage guarantors, lenders, programs: To help streamline the awarding of private loans, you can set and forgot the various guarantors, lenders, and programs students at your institution frequently use to borrow private loans directly from the Private Loans Import Dashboard.
  • Ability to run in simulation mode: In addition to running in real mode, the process can be run in simulation mode. Regardless of the mode, a results report is available at the end of the process. The results report provides you with the status of each award and, if applicable, the reason(s) it wasn’t successful.

Expand each section below for additional insight on how various PowerFAIDS features and processes interact with private loans.