ISIR Import Dashboard
The ISIR Import Dashboard is used to import and post ISIR transactions to student records. Various options exist to control when and what types of ISIR transactions are posted.
Using PowerFAIDS to process ISIR files provides:
Flexibility to disable ISIR posting on individual records: Within each student record you have the option to disable ISIR data from posting, allowing for granular control over the student data used by other PowerFAIDS processes. NSLDS data continues to update even when ISIR posting is disabled to ensure student financial aid history data remains up to date. When ISIR posting is disabled for a student, a banner is displayed on all the associated ISIR student data pages notifying you of this status.
Ability to set default posting options but still maintain granular control: While you can preconfigure your school's posting preferences by setting the Global Posting options, you are also able to adjust those default options anytime you post a record. This allows you to save time by highlighting options that are commonly used, but it also allows for customization to give room for professional judgment. You can adjust the posting options as needed whenever you import ISIRs, whether you do so manually or not.
Navigating the ISIR Import Dashboard
The ISIR Import dashboard has two main sections:
The ISIR Import header: Used to select an award year or to start the Import process. Once an award year is selected, options also become available to open the Results Reports window or to set the Global Posting Options for the associated year.
The Search and Post section: Used to search for specific ISIR transactions using a variety of criteria, such as the posting status, student information, or date. Transactions can be posted directly from the results.
Note: For users of previous versions of PowerFAIDS, this feature was previously known as the Staging Table.
Setting the Global Posting Options
Before importing and posting ISIRs for the first time, be sure to review and configure the Global Posting Options. The Global Posting Options are award year specific and apply to all users. Setting the Global Posting Options based on your schools processing preferences prevents users from having to set these options manually in the ISIR import process each time, though they will still have the option to do so if a setting needs to be changed for a particular file.
To configure the global posting options, complete the following steps: