Testing and Validating Your PowerFAIDS Build

As a final step to complete the onboarding process for PowerFAIDS, you will work with your migration specialist to validate your configurations through a series of testing activities. All testing will be completed using your PowerFAIDS Sandbox environment.

At the onset of your PowerFAIDS migration activities, you were asked to identify a student population group to work with throughout your configuration sessions. This is the population group that will be used during these testing sessions.

A quick review of standard administrative setup will be completed prior to beginning testing and validation.

Institutional Prerequisites and Responsibilities

At least 1 week prior to the first scheduled testing and validation session, each of the following items must be completed:

  1. Ensure all Migration Setup Phase tasks are complete for your chosen student population group.
  2. Download the sample ISIR file.
  3. The PowerFAIDS Sandbox Refresh must be set to complete at least 1 day prior to testing sessions.

Testing and Validation Session

The following is an outline of the typical testing progression your migration specialist will lead you through, to be completed in an updated version of your PowerFAIDS Sandbox environment: