Phase 1: Preparation

Onboarding to PowerFAIDS Cloud begins with a preparation phase. During a 6-week period your institution will gather information on business processes and complete foundational training. This phase will be completed alongside your dedicated migration specialist. You’ll be able to access resources and track your progress in the PowerFAIDS training center. The activities in this phase include:

  1. Completing a migration questionnaire.
  2. Reviewing the preconfigured items delivered with PowerFAIDS. This includes cost of attendance categories, federal funds, requirements/selection sets (for verification, comment code resolution, and COD processing), and sample letter templates.
  3. Building your program import file.
  4. Gathering institution-specific data required for setup.
  5. Completing the PowerFAIDS system setup training courses.
  6. Signing up for the user community.
  7. Completing a survey on your phase 1 experience.