Borrower-Based Academic Years (BBAY)

Because academic years are separated from federal award years in PowerFAIDS, PowerFAIDS can easily accommodate a Borrower-Based Academic Year (BBAY) structure.

Undergraduate Students

This information is coming soon.

Graduate Students

To set up your academic years to award loans to graduate students using BBAY, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an academic year for each BBAY the student is enrolled in, ensuring that you associate each academic year to the appropriate award year. For more information, see Crossover Academic Years.
  2. Assign the academic years to the student.

Each academic year honors the federal unsubsidized loan annual limit and has its own cost of attendance. Additionally, now that each BBAY is within its own academic year, packaging formulas and automated packaging can still be used for awarding under this structure.