Federal Loans
The Federal Loans page captures all information for a student's federal loans in one place. This screen populates when a federal loan is added to the student’s aid package. PowerFAIDS then pulls data from various places in the system and displays it on the Federal Loans page for you to see it all in one place. Additional fields on the screen are populated or updated when the federal loan is originated, disbursed, or updated, or when a response file is received from the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system. Data can be imported or exported using the COD Import and Export processes.
The federal loans feature in PowerFAIDS makes many aspects of the financial aid process easier. Some highlights of the Federal Loans page in PowerFAIDS include:
Student centric organization: Because the page is student centric, you can easily compare different academic years within the same student record. You simply select the academic year you want to view at the top of the screen to see the federal loans in that academic year.
Ease of annual limit tracking: PowerFAIDS provides a tab for each federal loan within a single academic year, making it easier for you to review and stay on top of annual limits.
Note: Some fields on this page, such as the MPN ID, will become read-only when personally identifiable information (PII) is masked. To update such fields, you will need to first unmask PII.
In addition to viewing award data, you can also complete the following workflows from the Federal Loans page: