Anticipated Aid Export Dashboard and Results Report

The anticipated aid export process allows you to create a file showing estimated financial aid, which can be shared with your business office. In this file, you can include total scheduled disbursements for an award within a specific payment period as well as any disbursements that have already taken place.

Using PowerFAIDS to export anticipated aid provides:

  • Robust control over parameters for reporting: PowerFAIDS offers you granular control over what the report includes. For example, since PowerFAIDS is student centric, you can create a report across multiple academic years and payment periods at the same time. Furthermore, you can set the disbursement date, as well as what funds you want to include in the report, including pending aid, accepted aid, or both.

    Tip: Prior to exporting anticipated aid, be sure to create selection sets with the specifications you want included. For example, if you only want to include a specific student population or you only want to include students in certain tracking statuses, you would need to build those parameters into a selection set prior to exporting and choosing your student population.

    Note, students who have a Federal Pell Grant awarded but have a tracking status in Incomplete for Packaging (IP) or Ready for Packaging (RP) will always be included in the anticipated aid export process unless excluded by the population selected.

  • Ability to communicate effectively: PowerFAIDS allows you to easily pull reports that help your financial aid office communicate more clearly with the business office. When the report is exported to the business office, the business office can update student billing accounts with pending aid, giving families a more accurate assessment of the balance due prior to aid being disbursed.